Shuttle Bus

Bulldog Shuttle

The Bulldog Shuttle is provided for those students who are traveling from one campus to another for a particular class. Riding the shuttle is still considered a part of the school day; therefore, all school rules and discipline policies will apply. Students are prohibited from riding in their personal cars when traveling.

Pick-up/Drop-off Locations
Brookside Campus: The shuttle will pick up/drop-off students by Sophomore/Junior doors by the Safety office (Door 29).
Washington Campus: The shuttle will pick up/drop-off students by entrance "E" (the north-west door by the corner of Jackson and Washington).

Daily Shuttle Schedule* Late Start Shuttle Schedule:
1st Period Transport

Brookside to Washington
Washington to Brookside

Bus loads = 7:45am - 8:00 am
Bus departs = 8:00 am

3rd Period Transport

Brookside to Washington
Washington to Brookside

Bus loads =11:40 am
Bus departs= 11:50 am

3rd Period transport

Washington to Brookside
Brookside to Washington

Bus loads = 9:55 am - 10:05 am
Bus departs = 10:05 am

5th Period Transport

Brookside to Washington

Bus loads =12:30 pm
Bus departs = 12:45 pm

7th Period transport

Brookside to Washington

Bus loads = 12:35 pm - 12:45 pm
Bus departs = 12:45 pm

Washington to Brookside

Bus departs = 1:05 pm

7th Period Transport

Brookside to Washington
Bus loads =1:20 pm
Bus departs = 1:30 am

Washington to Brookside
Bus loads = 1:40 pm
Bus departs = 1:45 pm

9th Period transport

Brookside to Washington
Washington to Brookside

Bus loading = 3:10 pm - 3:15 pm
Bus departs = 3:15 pm

9th Period Transport

Brookside to Washington
Washington to Brookside

Bus loading = 3:10 pm
Depart = 3:15 pm

*During "Modified/Late In Calendar Days," students begin classes 1st period at 10:00 am. Students should report immediately to their 1st period campus. Please note bus loading times may vary based upon student schedule, however, departure times must be followed.

Student Responsibility

Failure to take the bus as scheduled will result in disciplinary action and will be treated as an unexcused absence on your attendance record. Travel students will have to move quickly to and from classes to avoid missing scheduled transportation times.

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